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Page Revision: 2011/06/23 10:28

User Setups

Username Login name for the user.
Firm The firm that the user belongs to. This must be the same firm as the accounts that this user will be assigned.
Enabled Whether the user is enabled or not. If not then user cannot login.
Password he password for the login.
Retype Password For security retype password.
Change Password Required Requires the user to change their password the next time they login.
Firstname The users first name
Lastname The users last name
Billing Reference Optional. Data entered here will appear on the invoice along with the username.
Company Optional for firms
Phone Optional for recording user information
Email Optional for recording user information
Home page message A message to display to the user when they log into the website.

Roles for the User
Administrator Select this if the user should see and administer all
Risk Manager elect this if the user should see all users and
Trading Select this if the user should be allowed to submit
Pit Trades Select this if the user is allowed to enter pit trades.
Queue Orders elect this if the user should be granted access to
Modify Orders Select this to allow users to modify a queued order
Data Fills elect this to allow a user to have access to a
Allow Time Entry screen Select this to allow access to Pete Steidlmayer's
Allow Strategy screen Select this to allow access to the Strategy screen
Allow Chart data Select this to allow access to historical chart data

  • Some roles may not be displayed if the firm itself has not been granted access to those

  • Save the user then the remaining areas will be populated to finish the setup. For the
    changes to take effect the user must logoff and logon again.

Trade how you want, where you want

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